Farm Fresh Beers

Ace of Spades

Belgian Quadrupel | 10.0%

500 mL bottle


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+8 Bottles

Our first-ever bottled beer – A great Christmas Gift!!

Over the holidays, many of us will probably be playing card games with family and friends. In many card games, the Ace of Spades is considered the highest/strongest card in the deck. That is no exception here. This beer is a Belgian Quadruppel, a relatively new style of beer. It was originally brewed by Trappist monks to create potable water but over time, they began brewing as a source of income. The style was generally dubbels or triplels, used Belgian yeasts and were typically fermented within the monastery walls. When the Trappist monks came to North America in the early 1800’s they brought their brewing methods with them and it became part of the North American brewing repertoire. This is a strong dark Belgian ale checking in at 10% with a complex flavour profile and dry finish. Flavours of dried fruits, caramel and baking spices. This is a wonderful gift to bring as a host gift or to that beer enthusiast you may know! Happy holidays!